

  • Liberal 艺术 curriculum that includes English, 历史, 科学, 数学, 经典的语言, 艺术, 还有体育
  • Provides students with a shared experience to support their later, more specialized learning
  • Interdisciplinary approach to humanities by immersion in primary texts and an emphasis on close reading and writing
  • 为期两年的研究 拉丁语或古希腊语
  • 生物学 (九年级)
  • 化学 (十年级)
  • 数学 (whatever level of 数学 students are prepared for, from Algebra to Multivariable Calculus at bbin娱乐平台 and higher-level courses at BU)
  • 九年级和十年级的研讨会 (有趣的, hands-on learning without the added pressures of grades or homework; Seminars rotate through various topics of study each year: 健康 & Wellness; Cultural Competency; Foundations in Language & Logic; Introduction to Research; Python & Machine Learning; and Engineering & 创业)

Our approach to teaching the classical tradition in the humanities prompts students to understand historical perspectives, 批判性思考, 深入研究, 掌握基本课文的用法, 并磨练解释力. 波士顿大学学院 students learn how to question what they read; how to craft a well-reasoned argument; and how to appreciate the connections of literature, 政治理论, 哲学, 宗教, 科学, 和历史. Classes focus on the debate of “why” and “how.”


  • All upperclassmen continue to take courses offered in the Academy building in addition to enrolling in courses at 波士顿大学.
  • Students can pick from more than 2,000 BU courses including 20+ languages.
    • Juniors typically enroll in a 科学 and a modern language class at the University, 而高年级学生的选择差别很大.
    • Students can select BU courses in disciplines including anthropology, 社会学, 经济学, 计算机科学, 和更多的.
    • All University courses are taken for credit with 波士顿大学 faculty and students.
  • Most students earn as many as 48 college credits (the equivalent of 12 college courses or 1½ years) prior to graduating.
    • Course credits may be transferred at the discretion of the college to which a student matriculates.
  • Scientific research opportunities exist for students with an interest and aptitude in 科学.
  • Most students graduate with proficiency in two languages, one classical and one modern.
  • Seniors are required to complete a yearlong thesis project with the guidance of a professor and a bbin娱乐平台 faculty advisor.

Curricular Updates for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

For many years, our students have been well served by our 科学 sequence. 目前, ninth graders study physics and tenth graders study chemistry, both taught by bbin娱乐平台 teachers in undifferentiated honors sections. Juniors go on to take 科学 coursework at BU – typically, but not always 生物学 107 and 108 – and seniors often take a 科学 course at the University as well, 从广泛的选项中选择. All current bbin娱乐平台 students will continue on this track. Based on several years of feedback and internal conversions, we have decided to move away from the “physics-first” model beginning in the fall of 2023.

从2023年秋天开始, entering ninth graders will take an exciting, newly created biology course that not only covers the 有趣的damentals of micro- and macrobiology but also leverages the resources of the City of Boston as a living laboratory. In the tenth grade, they will continue on with chemistry at bbin娱乐平台. 在大三的时候, they will then be able to choose from various physics courses at the University, where course placement will match their math level (e.g. some courses will require calculus and some will not). Physics will not be a bbin娱乐平台 graduation requirement moving forward, but we will continue to recommend at least three years of lab 科学 and fully expect most bbin娱乐平台 juniors to find a physics (or other 科学) course in the junior year that fits their interest and provides the appropriate level of challenge. We have already established a strong partnership with our BU colleagues in the physics department, who are excited to work with us and our students. There are several reasons we are making this change, all of which are about improving the student experience. Our ninth-graders come to us with a broad range of exposure to math topics. We believe that physics is best learned in sections where we can meet students where they are in terms of math, something that is difficult to do in undifferentiated ninth-grade sections but that we can accomplish well in the junior year at BU. 我们对一项严谨的研究感到兴奋, lab-oriented, place-based biology course as a common ninth-grade experience; imagine students conducting water sampling at the Charles River and integrating other examples of urban ecology into their studies. We also look forward to giving our juniors a broader array of choices for their 科学 studies.

Read more about the 科学 curriculum shift here.