Our Exceptional Tour Guides

We are in the heart of admission season, and I want to give a shout-out to our incredible student tour guides. On most days, I greet prospective students and families on tours in the hallway outside my office and get to listen as they walk around the second floor. I hear our tour guides talking about our curriculum, class discussions, homework expectations, BU classes, and the college process. I hear them inviting and answering questions with clarity, candor, and humor. The experience with these tour guides is often a major reason for a family’s decision to join bbin娱乐平台 – moved by the tour guides’ maturity, independence, thoughtfulness, wit, and mental agility, and eager to be part of a school filled with students like them. This is one way our students perpetuate the kind, curious culture we try so hard to foster.

Parents play a role as well. I often hear from prospective families that they learned about bbin娱乐平台 from friends whose children are currently part of the school. That word of mouth goes a long way, and we are grateful.

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